Category: Bussiness/ Economy

From Humble Beginnings to a Short-Lived Success: The Story of Kahuku Plantation CompanyFrom Humble Beginnings to a Short-Lived Success: The Story of Kahuku Plantation Company

Frank Dillingham, already a successful developer on Oahu, saw potential in the Kahuku lands, which he leased from the Campbell family. By 1890, his railroad reached the North Shore, paving the way for development. James Castle, along with a group of investors including prominent lawyer

Waialua Sugar Mill

From Humble Beginnings to a Thriving Plantation: The Story of Waialua Agricultural CompanyFrom Humble Beginnings to a Thriving Plantation: The Story of Waialua Agricultural Company

The Waialua Agricultural Company emerged from a patchwork of small, struggling sugar farms on Oahu’s North Shore. In the late 1890s, the area was dominated by thousands of uncultivated acres, owned by numerous individuals, many of them Native Hawaiians. Recognizing the potential, entrepreneur B.F. Dillingham

Explore Oahu’s Beauty with Wildlife Hawaii!Explore Oahu’s Beauty with Wildlife Hawaii!

We’re thrilled you’re considering a tour with Wildlife Hawaii. We’re dedicated to sharing the stunning beauty of Oahu while respecting our island’s delicate environment. To protect our island’s natural wonders and ensure the safety of all our guests, we follow strict government regulations regarding beach

North Shore Beach Chair Rental

Glittering Entrepreneurs in Hawaii: Navigating the Business LandscapeGlittering Entrepreneurs in Hawaii: Navigating the Business Landscape

Let’s explore the exciting world of entrepreneurship in Hawaii and delve into the survival rates of businesses. Entrepreneurship in Hawaii: A Glittering Opportunity In recent times, many people have considered starting their own businesses. Last year, the United States witnessed a record-breaking 5 million new